
In the news

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
by Linda John 4 April 2023
Counselling can help to get rid of negative thoughts and reduce the amount of time spent procrastinating. Clients will learn how to manage their symptoms. There are some good role models who have ADHD and are able to hyper focus which can drive them to achieve and be successful in business, entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Jaimie Oliver and Athletes like Michael Phelps, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Jackie Stewart.
Emotional Therapeutic Counselling
by Linda John 11 February 2023
Emotional Therapeutic Counselling can be an effective way to help people improve their mental health and sleep
Cyberbullying counselling
by Linda John 22 January 2021
Whilst the internet has been one of the most useful pieces of modern technology, it has created monsters in its social media platforms by allowing cyberbullying to get out-of-control in the 21st century. The aim of social networking is to bring people together, to instantly connect with others e.g., instant messaging, email, or text messaging.
Therapy training stratford upon avon
by Linda John 6 January 2021
Earlier this year I started a course, the Foundation for Emotional Therapeutic Counselling at a reputable centre in the idyllic setting of Cheltenham.
Therapy road to recovery
by Linda John 5 October 2020
Understand that divorce is not supposed to be easy and because it is so hard, you must be kind to yourself. Allow yourself time to work through the depths of your divorce and to accept that the process is going to take time. Over time you will heal and showing compassion to yourself will help with your recovery. It is ok to feel sad and to give yourself permission to grieve your loss. Focusing too much on the sadness will keep you stuck in that place and so it is important that you manage this.
Therapy - Children and Divorce
by Linda John 3 August 2020
When parents split up, the burden on the children is immense and sadly they often blame themselves for the breakup. The absolute worst thing that a parent can do is to bad mouth the other parent to the children. Doing so puts the children in an impossible position and they start to question ‘am I allowed to love them?’. The child feels they are being disloyal for loving the bad parent. Running mum or dad down to a child is a direct criticism of their own DNA as they are the product of both parents.
Stratford upon avon Divorce Therapy
by Linda John 7 July 2020
Going through divorce can be overwhelming and isolating. Day to day living becomes a struggle, especially if you have children. Coping with your children’s emotions as they face their own issues with the separation of their parents and the challenges of school life adds to the stress and anxiety caused by the divorce
Is it a good time to get divorced when Covid 19 is still active?
by Linda John 8 June 2020
Divorce rates are expected to go sky high after lockdown is lifted. Social media jokes about a baby boom and divorce rates increasing, but the reality is that Covid 19 has either brought couples closer together or it has driven them apart. Some couples will be deciding to go their separate ways when the restrictions have been lifted. If there were cracks in the relationship before, being cooped up in isolation with someone that you are not getting on with is a reality check.
Narcissistic father
by Linda John 19 May 2020
A person who has an exaggerated sense of worth. Someone who is self-absorbed, intolerant of his children’s mistakes and takes credit for their successes. He can be malicious to his children should they cross him. These men are only concerned with themselves, what they want and that they are the one person that counts. They lie easily and take advantage of others if it makes them look better. They have no empathy or care for those that they hurt. Children of these fathers grow feeling no self-worth, no value and are largely ignored. Narcissists are experts at manipulation and use passive-aggressive methods to get what they want. They encourage their offspring into careers that will allow them to brag and take credit. Children exist purely to fulfil their fathers needs. They do not grow up into independent adults.
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